Avatar Purusha (2022) is a Kannada romantic comedy movie co-written and directed by Simple Suni starring Sharan and Ashika Ranganath n the lead roles and Sai Kumar, Sudha Rani, Bhavya, Sadhu Kokila, Sri Nagar Kitty, B Suresha in supporting roles. Dharka and Brahma Jois fight over the Trishanku Mani in a battle of mantras and soon after Jois turns up dead. Prior to his death, in order to protect his family, he deployed the Ashta Dhigbandana and hides the stone in his house. Will Dharka find it? Kannada with English Subtitle
Avatara Purusha
FSK 12Filmstart 06.05.2022Filmlänge 129 Min.
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Cast & Crew
CastSharan, Ashika Ranganath, Sai Kumar